My wonderful, crazy life as a SAHM of 2

A daily account of what my life is like being a SAHM and homeschooler of 2 with an emphasis on being MOM.

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Saturday, May 14, 2005

What time is it?

I can't believe I am up this late/early? Which is it? Don't you hate when the events of the day won't let your mind quiet down long enough to catch some zz's?

My son had his 4 month check up this morning. He did really good with his shots, he got 4 and didn't start crying until the 4th shot and then he didn't cry long. Really surprised me! My daughter has always HATED shots.

Well, not totally unexpectedly the doctor said she wanted to talk about a helmet for him to wear because his head is flat in the back. He has always slept flat on the back of his head, really strange because normally when you start to fall asleep your head will loll to the side and you will end up sleeping on the side of your face, well, not my kid--he pulls his head back straight and lays flat on the back of his head. Well, anyway, I was a little upset by this news, of course; any mother would be, but hopefully he won't need it and if he does it won't be for long.

So, tonight I put him on his side to sleep but I can't help but think he is laying on the back of his head again, so I think I have checked on him just about every hour. I can't imagine those helmets are all that comfy.

So, now you know why I am not sleeping, I need to check on him and then get about 1 hour of sleep before I get up to go garage saleing. :-)

Who doesn't love a good garage sale? Fun places to shop, esp. for kids things. Cheap too!!

Till next time.....
"keep your feet planted on the ground and keep reaching for the stars"!! --Casey Kasem?? :-)

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Happy "belated" Mother's Day!

I have been meaning to post but everytime I try something comes up! :-0 )

I was a little upset on Mother's Day because my husband didn't acknowledge Mother's Day for me. I know I am whining, but my kids are too young to say "happy mother's day" so I was hoping that my husband would "say" it for them. Just to acknowledge me.

It has really been a tough adjustment for me, being home; I am used to getting recognized for the "work" I do out in the "real world", but here at home, it is a whole other ball game!

I saw on "The Today Show" I believe that if a SAHM was paid and paid fairly she would get paid over $130,000 a year! That is astounding! Most Daddy's I don't think stop to think about all the WORK that goes into being home all day with the kids. Just a little "Happy Mother's Day" would have made my day!

By the way, I haven't checked it out yet, but if anyone has, let me know. There is a new book out called "The Mommy Brain". I also saw that on the aforementioned show and it looks interesting. Sometimes, my brain feels like it is getting mushy! I spend all day doing the "baby talk". :-) My daughter is the oldest, but she hasn't really started talking yet, so somedays in is quite interesting! But, I thought the book might be interesting to check out.

Thanks for listening to me "whine". :-)

Friday, May 06, 2005

Aren't they something!!??!!??

My daughter has been so cute lately; ever since her little brother was born she has become quite the "little mommy". She always watches me when I change her brother's diaper. She has been "practicing" with her dolls or whatever stuffed animal might be around. Well, about a week ago she started going to get her box of wipes whenever she saw me wipe her brother. Really cute, she just opened the box and would kinda lay 4 or 5 wipes on the floor around the box. I would ask her to clean them up and put them back in the box, she would and then go about her business. Well, just the other day she took a wipe from her box and "wiped" a stuffed
bunnies tush. Sooo, cute!! I about died on the spot, she did it perfectly too!! :-) Then yesterday she started putting a diaper on her babydoll, which she has always tried to do, she would just kinda lay the diaper on top of her babydoll and that was about it. This time, she did it correctly! I couldn't believe it. She is constantly amazing me!

Her other latest trick is to go around to all the toys in the house that have latch belts to hold the baby in and she has been latching them, very impressive! We put her in a booster seat a couple of weeks ago and we buckle her in so that she learns to stay seated in her chair during dinner, well, today she buckled herself in. She is sooo proud when she does this because she will look at me and smile, laugh and clap! Love it!! :-) Aren't they something??

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Where, oh where.....

does the time go? I was looking at my little girl's hands the other day when I was cutting her fingernails and thought to myself "where have the last 21 months gone??",her hands are getting to look so grown up already!! :-(

I look at my little man and wonder where in the heck have the last 4 months gone???
He is already out of the cute, cute baby clothes, he is already wearing 12 month sizes!!

It is amazing how fast time fleets when you are a mom. I can remember sitting behind my desk at work (my life before kids) and thinking how long it was gonna be before the day would end. Now, I want to stop the clock. I get my daughter up in the morning and before I turn around good it is time for lunch. That used to be the longest part of my day (pre-kids)!!

Note to self: stop and smell the roses once in a while!! Take time to enjoy the scenery sometimes. Sometimes we can caught up in the daily life and forget to take time to look around and appreciate THE least I do. :-0

Monday, May 02, 2005


Over the past weekend my daughter spent some time with her little girlfriend, she's 2 1/2 and her cousin who is 1 1/2. Her friend is in daycare all day and her cousin stays home with his dad.

I think a lot about my daughter being home all day with me and her little brother and my nephew home all day with his dad, I wonder if that is stifling their development in any way and then I spend some time with a little girl who is in daycare and I don't wonder so much anymore. My daughter and my nephew are both void of any bad attitudes and bullying mannerisms; I don't know if this is a product of being with SAH Parents or just the fact of not having reached the "terrible twos" yet, but it is refreshing to know that being home all day with them has some benefits.

However, I do still worry about the socialization issue. It crosses my mind too in the homeschool arena as well. Even though I would rather not have my kids in daycare or school learning all of the bad behavior, horrible attitudes and the disrespect from other children, I do have to ponder the effects of being around adults almost exclusively day in and day out. I do get my kids out a couple of times a week to be around other kids, but is that enough? Am I in some way jeopardizing some of their normal development. I have to hope that I am not....

My hope is that my kids will be well-rounded, respectful little people that enjoy learning. My decision to homeschool and be a SAHM will give them and me rewards many times over and that missing out on getting teased because you dress nice, that your hair is always "fixed", you don't curse and don't generally disrespect your elders and missing out on school functions or the prom will seem trivial to them.

I want to give my children the world and have them experience life outside of the box.