My wonderful, crazy life as a SAHM of 2

A daily account of what my life is like being a SAHM and homeschooler of 2 with an emphasis on being MOM.

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Thursday, April 28, 2005


Everyone is in bed asleep, time for reflection.

Speaking of TIME, I found this really cool video clip that really sums everything up if you are a SAHM. If you would like to see it, click here.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

All worth it!

These are the moments that make it all worthwhile!! :-)

A beautiful day

The weather was so perfect today. My daughter and I went outside for fresh air, yesterday was a yucky, rainy day. We pushed her little shopping cart in front of our house and counted mailboxes. She really has taken to the whole counting thing. She likes to count things in her books and it is really neat to watch her realize all that there is to count out in the "real world". She also likes to "give five". She is starting to realize her fingers can be numbers too!

I washed my husbands truck, but she didn't want to help. Her newest thing is to shake her head whenever you ask her if she wants to do something. But it isn't so defiant as it could be because she gives it this cute little "twirl" to it. I don't use the word "no" around her too much, hoping to put off the inevitable "no" stage as long as I can the closer she gets to two, so she doesn't tell me no as much as she does her little twirly head shake. :-)

I am not feeling quite as energetic as I would like to, but since the kids are napping I better try and get something done.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Easy, breezy

So far, I have been able to accomplish a whole lot today!! Took my daughter to her music class, getting out of the house is always a good thing! My daughter & I were both sick for 2 weeks, so we weren't able to go to class, so getting out of the house was a change.

I am also starting back to potty training, while she was sick and very grouchy, I decided to stop and wait until she felt better. My new tack will be to let her sit on the potty alone and see if that maybe gets her to relax a little bit, previously I stayed near her and we read books--maybe she just needs some alone time, like we all do when we go potty!! :-) This is what my daughter thinks potty time is! :-)
Until tomorrow......

Monday, April 25, 2005

Another Week

Weekend was good, kids behaved well. Daddy was home so that really helped give me a break. So far, Monday is turning out pretty good. Slow start, kids aren't bouncing off the walls like usual, hopefully that will continue for the rest of the day. Today is pretty, maybe we can get outside; tomorrow is supposed to rain, so that will keep us in some. My daughter has her music class tomorrow, so that will get us out too.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Afternoon April 22, 2005

This is the first time that I have decided to start keeping an account of my days with my kids
and the trials and tribulations that I go thru. My kids are currently 21 mos (girl) and 4 mos (boy). Right now they both keep me very busy, requiring a lot of attention.

For the past couple of months I have been trying to potty train my daughter, which is turning out to be a really slow process, she isn't very receptive to it, but even more recently, she has started to learn how to take her disposable diaper off. This has caused me a lot of angst just trying to find things to dress her in that she can't easily remove by herself and remove her diaper, but keeping access easy to get to the potty.

Today has been kinda up and down, both of them jerking me in different directions, but luckily it is Friday and my husband will be able to give me a little "break" for a while. Downtime on the weekends really help to keep the juices flowing for the upcoming week where I know there will too much to do with not enough time to do it in!