My wonderful, crazy life as a SAHM of 2

A daily account of what my life is like being a SAHM and homeschooler of 2 with an emphasis on being MOM.

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Friday, September 30, 2005


My beautiful 2 year old daughter can say her ABC's to F. :-)

I was sooo tickled the other night when I was getting her ready
for bed and I started saying the ABC's to her and encouraging her
to say them with me, when she really just continued on her own.

Of course we called Grandma so she could hear, it was the sweetest
sound, her just saying "AH" "BAY" "CEE" "DEE" "E" "FTHU" :-)
She can't say F without sticking her tongue out and sorta spitting.
So, FTHU was the closest I could come.

We had been working on ABC's for a few weeks and she can say most
all of them when repeating after me, but she continually tries to
say them on her own.

These are the moments I look forward to every night. When a culmination
of the day's events end in such sweet memories.

My kids are very busy and don't give me a whole lot of time to rest, they
fuss and the end of the day rituals keep me looking forward instead of
throwing in the towel!


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