My wonderful, crazy life as a SAHM of 2

A daily account of what my life is like being a SAHM and homeschooler of 2 with an emphasis on being MOM.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2005

2nd Birthday

Well, it is official, my little girl is a full-fledged 2 year old! :-)

She had her birthday party Sunday and even though she had been acting 2 for a while now, it still made me think and wonder where the last 2 years have gone.

She has changed so much, from a helpless little baby to a confused toddler. She has also confused me in the process!

The crying and screaming for no reason are hard to deal with especially when you don't really know what they are thinking. She seems very irrational at times and that is also hard to figure out.

I try to enjoy even the screaming fits and try to remember that these moments and days are fleeting.

It is important to remember they are only young once!

Friday, July 08, 2005

Approaching the Terrible Twos!!!

Boy, I tell you.... the closer my daughter gets to turning two, the more I am thinking about a second home for me! :-) She has a birthday in a couple of weeks and she is on fire!

It doesn't matter what I do, nothing is good enough or fast enough or exactly what she wants.

She isn't talking yet, so I don't always know what she is trying to ask me/tell me or otherwise try to communicate something to me. So, when I don't understand that really sets her off. Just simply telling her "not right now" or "later" is bad enough. I don't even say "no" because I know that will not make her happy. Plus, I don't want to "teach" her to say no all the time, either. So far, that has worked, she doesn't say no, but she will shake her head and say "uh-huh" a lot. That is actually happening a lot more these days. :-)

I am sure I will have lots more to add to this in the coming days, weeks and months!! :-)

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Happy 4th of July!!

It is my hope that everyone has a wonderful and safe Independence Day.

It is such a great holiday. Time for family and friends to get together and share
a cookout and some fireworks.

A good time to reflect on the current situation overseas and know how grateful we are to be free!

I know there won't be any fireworks at my house. Right now my daughter is deathly afraid of any loud noises. She has always and continues to be afraid of the vacuum cleaner. Any loud yard-work machines. Thunder has been a big issue lately so I know fireworks would go over real well!!!

If your kids are old enough, try to spend a few minutes letting them know what this day means to us as a nation. What sacrifices our men and women are making overseas, all in the name of freedom. What a great thing.

Happy 4th!