This is the first time that I have decided to start keeping an account of my days with my kids
and the trials and tribulations that I go thru. My kids are currently 21 mos (girl) and 4 mos (boy). Right now they both keep me very busy, requiring a lot of attention.
For the past couple of months I have been trying to potty train my daughter, which is turning out to be a really slow process, she isn't very receptive to it, but even more recently, she has started to learn how to take her disposable diaper off. This has caused me a lot of angst just trying to find things to dress her in that she can't easily remove by herself and remove her diaper, but keeping access easy to get to the potty.
Today has been kinda up and down, both of them jerking me in different directions, but luckily it is Friday and my husband will be able to give me a little "break" for a while. Downtime on the weekends really help to keep the juices flowing for the upcoming week where I know there will too much to do with not enough time to do it in!