A valuable life lesson from a 3 year old
Well, you put a cookie in front of them!
My husband and I have always struggled to get our 3 year old daughter to eat her veggies, from a very young age, she has avoided anything GREEN, and if it looked like a bean, it wasn't going near her mouth!
Recently, I have begun encouraging better eating habits with a little dessert after dinner which is usually a cookie or a little ice cream. So, the other day, my 2 year old son cleaned his plate like a big boy and all of us, except my daughter, were done with dinner, so I decided to go ahead and give everyone a cookie because we had all cleaned our plates and it looked like it could be morning before my daughter ate her veggies, so after giving everyone a cookie, I decided to put a cookie just out of my daughter's reach, but right in front of her, and told her when she finished her dinner she could have the cookie.
Well, what do you think happened to the veggies?
She kept her eye on the cookie as she ate ALL of her veggies!
Her goal was to finish her dinner so she could get the cookie and her reward was a compelling vision of a beautiful, almost-perfectly round, chocolate chip cookie!
After going thru this with her, it hit me that this is all it takes to achieve your goals and dreams!
Instead of putting a cookie in front of you, put a picture representation of your goal or dream in front of you and as you work and progress thru your day, everything you do brings you closer to your dream!
This is called Vision Crafting. Creating a compelling vision that will motivate and inspire you to keep moving thru the difficult and unrewarding times in life and business.
I wanted to share a story with you that happened to illustrate the point perfectly of what we can achieve when we put what we want most in front of us and let THAT inspire us to keep pushing ahead!