Has it been a year?
Where does the time go?
In a year, they have grown and matured so much! My daughter is 3 1/2 and
my son is a little over 2.
Right now, the cutest thing they are doing is talking to each other. My
daughter was a late talker, but my son started talking right before he
was 2 and he has made huge improvements as time as gone by. I know that
having an older sister who is talking really helps him, but I am amazed at
the language growth he makes almost daily! My daughter didn't start talking
until she could talk in sentences! So, I missed alot of the growth that
happens, she was a good talker when she started.
But anyway, back to my story about how they act. At the kitchen table, they
will talk among themselves, my son will say something, and even if my daughter
doesn't totally understand what he is talking about, she will respond with
a yes or a correction or she will keep talking about something else, the whole
time, his attention is fixed on her and he will respond back to her, it is
the cutest thing! In the car, their car seats are right next to each other
and the conversations they have back there remind me of an old married couple!
No lie! They are the cutest!!! :-)
They also fight and squabble like siblings do, but their interactions are
My son also LOVES pictures of animals, he likes animals in person too, but I
think he prefers them as pictures. The kids have tons of fun at the zoo looking
at all of the animals from a distance, but they have these big, almost life-like
statues at the zoo, and my daughter is no longer afraid of them, but she used
to be, but now my son is and won't go near the statues, it is really funny if you
ever saw him with pictures of animals!
We have 3 dogs, but only 1 of them is in the house with us and she is little
and pretty non-threatening, but if they see dogs outside they are not too keen.
However, yesterday, we took my little dog to the groomers and when we got there
it is pretty packed with lots of other dogs, there was a little 3 lb chihuhua in
there that a girl was holding, well, both of the kids wanted to take that little
dog home with them, I think! It was cute, but it was especially funny because
we have a neighbor down the street that just got a chihuhua about the same size.
The little boy was walking him on a leash, which was another funny site, but the
kids weren't too crazy about him, even though he was being really sweet and calm.
But they warmed a little and by the time the dog (Rex) went home, they were missing
The next day, the kids and I went for a walk and we passed Rex's house, my son
was very interested as to where is Rex. On the way back to our house, passing
Rex's house, my son was still looking for him and as we passed his house, all of a
sudden my son starts running, "come on Mama, Rex is gonna eat T.T., come on Mama, Rex
is gonna eat T.T." The whole time he is running and looking behind him, I thought
it was hilarious! My son's name is Tristan and he calls himself T.T. :-)
Kids are great aren't they? :-)

They are enjoying a quiet moment together! (Tristan no longer
has pacifier, this was taken back in early Dec.)