My wonderful, crazy life as a SAHM of 2

A daily account of what my life is like being a SAHM and homeschooler of 2 with an emphasis on being MOM.

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Friday, January 27, 2006

Another First Haircut!

My 13 month old little boy got his first haircut a few days ago. He was such a big boy! The girl that cut his hair gave him a hair clip and a styrofoam cup to entertain him with and it worked. He sat still (which is an accomplishment for him) and he looks like a true little man.
My little man
They grow up so fast! I was beginning to get a little teary when I saw him sitting in that big chair looking so little.
Before and AfterI can't get over how his haircut makes him look so much more like a little man. I can't keep my hands off his head, it is just so adorable.
No more babies. My little girl got her second haircut also and she just looks so grown up I can't get over it!
Second Haircut
Won't be long they will be driving! ;-(

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Spongy Brains

I am amazed at how much my kids' can learn and remember at such young ages.
Being able to stay home all day with my kids and watch them and help them to learn, is a source of continuous joy for me. I am so grateful to be able to be home.

My daughter was a late talker and I was starting to wonder if she would ever talk. :-) She is 2 1/2 yo now and the words and phrases are just flying out of her mouth. She has become quite the imitater too. If I am not careful, during conversations with my husband or while I am on the phone, I might actually think I was looking in a mirror at my own reflection! :-) It makes me smile and giggle every time I see her. Her arms and hands are moving at the same rate as mine and her words are coming out almost as good as mine.

She is starting to count now, which is the cutest. At first she counted one, one, one, one... and then it was one, one, one, two... and now it is one, two, tha (three), ty (five), nine, ten. She also knows she has 2 feet and 2 hands, well she also has 2 toes and 2 fingers. She asks for cookies and crackers now with quantity demands. 2 cookies, 2 "cackas" she says.

My little man is starting crawl up into my lap if I am on the floor and give me such sweet hugs and kisses that it melts my heart! If he is in his high chair and I walk by and give him a little hug, he gives me the biggest squeezes around the neck. I don't want these moments to end!

Because my kids are so close in age, I think they will be the best of friends and the worst of friends at the same time. They have such sweet tender moments and then I hear crying. :-)

What's up with the clothes coming off? My daughter's baby doll's are all naked, if I am not careful and keep a close eye on her, her brother ends up naked, she is watching TV and is naked. My nephew was over not too long ago and she laid him on the floor and I swear he was going to be naked too!

Never a dull moment!!!

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